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Sounds of Nature Serenity Series 大自然之聲 MP3音樂 DVD版 --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
軟體名稱: Sounds of Nature Serenity Series 大自然之聲
語文版本: MP3音樂 DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面DVD)
音質取樣: 320Kbps/44Khz
檔案格式: MP3
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: MP3音樂
更新日期: 2014.12.05
唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Close your Eyes... and Relax (6 CD Box) :

CD1 - Byron M. Davis - Gentre Island Surf
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Gentre Island Surf.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Call Of The Sea.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Gulls At Coole.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Fog Receding.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Distant Sails.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Passing Clouds.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Chance Encounter.mp3

CD2 - Byron M. Davis - Gentle Giants of the Sea
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Gentle Giants of the Sea.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - In Anticipation.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Clear Ocean.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Another Chance.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Dolphins And Humpbacks.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Chorale And Canon.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Undersea Waltz.mp3

CD3 - Byron M. Davis - Mystical Call of the Loon
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Mystical Call of the Loon.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Rustic Pines.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Reflections.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Lakeside Waltz.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Shadows And Light.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Stopping To Rest.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Enchanted Waters.mp3

CD4 - Byron M. Davis - Dazzling Thunderstorm
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Dazzling Thunderstorm.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Gentle Droplets.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Under The Leaves.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Welcome Rain.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Wish You Were Here.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Spirit Of The Storm.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Dazzling Sky.mp3

CD5 - Byron M. Davis - Tropical Tradewinds
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Tropical Tradewinds.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Warm Sun, Cool Mist.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Gospel Island.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - In Search Of The Piper.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Cave Of Tranquility.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Drum Band.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Homeward.mp3

CD6 - David A. Jackson - Sparkling Springtime
00. David A. Jackson - The Sounds Of Nature Sparkling Springtime.m3u
01. David A. Jackson - Sunrise At Waters Edge.mp3
02. David A. Jackson - Cool Clear Spring.mp3
03. David A. Jackson - Ode To Canadian Springtime.mp3
04. David A. Jackson - Babbling Brook.mp3
05. David A. Jackson - Alpine Cascade.mp3
06. David A. Jackson - Springtime Dreams.mp3
07. David A. Jackson - Magical Breeze.mp3
08. David A. Jackson - Tranquility.mp3
09. David A. Jackson - Lost In The Clouds.mp3
10. David A. Jackson - Sunset At Waters Edge.mp3

Close your Eyes... and Relax II (6 CD Box):

CD1 - Byron M. Davis - Autumn Splendor
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Autumn Splendor.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Leaves Of Many Colours.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Greenwich.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Sand Harbour.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Pas De Deux.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Kite Flying.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - In Thanks.mp3

CD2 - David A. Jackson - Summer Sunsets
00. David A. Jackson - The Sounds Of Nature Summer Sunsets.m3u
01. David A. Jackson - Southern Sunset.mp3
02. David A. Jackson - Songbirds At Twilight.mp3
03. David A. Jackson - Warm Summer Breeze.mp3
04. David A. Jackson - Tequila Sunset.mp3
05. David A. Jackson - Twilight Lullaby.mp3
06. David A. Jackson - Summer Fan-Set.mp3
07. David A. Jackson - Shades Of Crimson.mp3
08. David A. Jackson - Sundown In The City.mp3
09. David A. Jackson - Caribbean Sunset.mp3
10. David A. Jackson - Red Sky At Night.mp3

CD3 - Byron M. Davis - Enchanting Everglades
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Enchanting Everglades.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Sunrise.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Waterlillies.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Shoots Of Grass.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Tall Trees.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Tranquil Lagoon.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Mystic Spirits.mp3
07. Byron M. Davis - Celebration.mp3
08. Byron M. Davis - Days End.mp3

CD4 - Byron M. Davis - Rain Forest Retreat
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Rain Forest Retreat.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Another Day.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Waterbirds.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Friendly Natives.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Jungle Flowers.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Tropical Mystery.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Las Brisas.mp3

CD5 - Byron M. Davis - Winters Glow
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Winters Glow.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Freshfall.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - Ice Caverns.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Walking In The Snow.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Crystal Dance.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Thoughts Of Family.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - The Forest Awakes.mp3

CD6 - Byron M. Davis - Mountain Paradise
00. Byron M. Davis - The Sounds Of Nature Mountain Paradise.m3u
01. Byron M. Davis - Mountain Serenity.mp3
02. Byron M. Davis - In The Fields.mp3
03. Byron M. Davis - Country Spirit.mp3
04. Byron M. Davis - Hillside Play.mp3
05. Byron M. Davis - Alone With You.mp3
06. Byron M. Davis - Piano Pastoral.mp3
07. Byron M. Davis - Hill To Hill.mp3
08. Byron M. Davis - Songbirds.mp3
09. Byron M. Davis - Nightfall.mp3

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